Friday, September 26, 2008

Georgia and Russia Confict

It is very troubling to me, the spin I read and hear in the United States, about the facts of this conflict, and how they developed. I did not say I was surprised by it, only that it sickens me to hear the lies this Administration, and the corp. media, spews out to the American people. I’m still not sure how I feel about the ignorance of the American public. At times I am so outraged at the media for lying, and at other times I’m outraged at the public for buying it. Because I know to get my news from independent sources, I was aware from the start that South Ossetia was under attack by Georgian bombers, and that Russia came to their aide, for which I am thankful. I heard from many foreign media broadcasts of the devastation and deaths caused be these attacks, and later learned the U.S. is partly to blame for leading the Georgians to believe we would be right there to back their dirty play. [ similar to the U.S. Administration letting Saddam Hussein believe he had our backing to invade Kuwait] (It seems we have a habit of doing this to Countries, and I wonder why they don’t finally wise up to this?)

To listen to the lies of our media, as how Russia just decided to attack Georgia for no apparent reason, (or because of fallacy reasoning), and to watch them use each other’s accounts, to build upon for their own, it seems criminal to me. Fox news was sure surprised though, when right in the middle of their normal spin cycle, they were interviewing a 12 year old American girl who had been in South Ossetia visiting family, and was caught in the attack. When the girl told of how the Georgian planes bombed them, and described the horrors she witnessed, caught off guard by the girls honesty, and her thankfulness to Russia for coming to their aid, the news caster cut her off, but the damage had already been done, and that newscast has been viewed by thousands of people already. To listen to the REAL STORY, told by a 12 year old girl who actually experienced the event, please watch the clip:


Please educate yourself of the reasons behind this battle with Georgia.

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I'm a dedicated 9-11 Truth and Peace activist. I hate what our government does to others around the world, and to the poor and disenfranchised here. This "war on terror" is contrived and bogus, as is the War on Drugs. Most Americans are ignorant, lazy, and are happy to remain that way until something threatens 'their' world. They have no concern for others and that totally disgusts me! This apathy & stupidity will become what ends this country as we know it.